Sunday, December 7, 2014

Do We Need another Good Attack on America?

It pains me to say this, but I’m convinced that there is nothing quite as galvanizing and uniting of Americans as a good attack by a foreign force on our soil.  I wasn’t around 73 years ago for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but my parents were and they recalled the wave of patriotism that swept the nation following that attack.  Then came 9/11.  I was around for that.  I remember.

Afterwards, I remember how people spoke a little softer.  I remember people being a little kinder to strangers.  I remember people, complete strangers, standing in line in supermarkets speaking to each other in hushed tones comforting one another.  I remember that road rage had virtually ceased for a few weeks.  I remember how I felt when President Bush stood atop a pile of ruins with firefighters.  I remember the image of an American flag hoisted up a pole by firefighters.  Not long after the attacks of 9/11 I remember how young men and women enlisted in the armed forces of the United States much the same way as they did 73 years ago.  Those who enlisted were black and white, just like the first responders and volunteers who, who despite their differences, rushed to aid those caught in the senseless violence of that day.  History tells me that blacks and whites, despite their differences, rushed to enlist in the military following the attacks of December 7, 1941.  I remember how united we were following 9/11.

Ferguson.  New York City.  Cleveland.  Do we need another good attack by a foreign force on America?

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