Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Temporal and Spiritual Peace

There are two kinds of peace in this world.  The most visible type of peace is temporal peace, when nation and nation are not at war with each other or when individuals live together in harmony.  I think we would all like to see that.  Well, many of us would like to see that.  Unfortunately in the world right now there are forces at work that disturb and disrupt temporal peace.
The other type of peace is spiritual peace.  While it may come as a result of being content with who you are and what your station in life is, there is a deeper spiritual peace that comes as a result of knowing that your life is in harmony with God.  This requires that we first know what His will is and then doing His will.  The Savior came to bring peace but not as the world knows it (John 14: 27).  In bringing peace He clearly acknowledge that there is and will continue to be tribulation in the world. However, He overcame the world (John 16: 33).
Likewise, there are two types of war: temporal war and spiritual war.  They are opposites of peace, and their author is the same.  He who pushes greed, gluttony, lust, sloth, lust, envy, and pride is the author and administrator of both temporal and spiritual warfare.  Just as there are temporal hotspots across the globe the author of spiritual warfare is running rampant and is in our own back yards, perhaps even in our own homes.
There are no “holy wars”.  There is nothing holy about war.  It is dirty, disgusting, and repulsive. That said, I for one will stand for our God, our religion, our freedom and our peace and I pray for liberty so long as a band of Christians remain to possess this land.
Make no mistake.  I pray for both temporal and spiritual peace.  I pray that there will be temporal peace for all of humanity, but more importantly I pray for spiritual peace for myself and all the children of God.


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