When I watch the national network news shows in the morning I watch ABC’s Good Morning America as I find it the least objectionable of the three major outlets. Afterwards, I go to “Fair and Balanced.” This morning on GMA they had a retired police officer singing the National Anthem. Apparently, he had sung the National Anthem at some sporting event and didn’t do a very good job, so they gave him a chance for a “do over”. He stood straight and tall and sang with all his might. I suppose artistically, he should be given a chance to do over his “do over”. It was, shall we say, less-than-perfect. I’m not sure what it was, but chills ran up and down my back and a lump formed in my throat as he sang. Perhaps it was just the fact that it was our nation’s anthem, but I think maybe it was more than that. There stood a man, a proud man, singing from his heart the anthem of the nation that he served and loved.
I’ve heard many beautiful renditions of the National Anthem, but there are not many that have touched me the way this out of key and missed notes presentation of the National Anthem touched me this morning.
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