Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Return to the Moral Compass

There is something dreadfully wrong with our nation.  It is not just at the top.  It is not just the Oval Office and Congress.  It is not just a matter of left verses right.  It is not simply a clash of classes, rich verses poor, haves and have not’s.  Likewise, it is not a matter of whites verses blacks, nor is it a matter of believers verses non-believers.  This “sickness” that has infected our nation, our culture, runs through the heartland of America, from Washington to Washington, through the corporate office and government bureaucracy, and into the single most important unit in our society, the family.  I fear that as a whole, we as a nation have lost our moral compass.

No amount of legislation and imposed regulation will fix it.  Only a turn to moral values can repair the hole that has ripped into the fabric of our great nation.  It truly is time for us to value honesty, integrity, doing the right things for the right reasons.  It is time to shed the shackles of moral relativism and to embrace consistency in honor.  For many it is a matter remaining steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God.  For others it is a matter of remaining steadfast and immovable in abounding in goodness; doing good for the sake of good and not for the sake of glory and recognition.

I believe it is time to reset the clock, to find the lost compass, and realign ourselves with that compass.  It is time for a revolution, not with guns and explosives, but a revolution that is filled with faith, hope, and charity toward all.

I believe the time has come and I believe that the right person will step forward at the right time to lead the way.  In the meantime I commit to doing my best.  I am sure that I will fail on occasion, but I am going to try.  Will you join me?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Our National Anthem

When I watch the national network news shows in the morning I watch ABC’s Good Morning America as I find it the least objectionable of the three major outlets. Afterwards, I go to “Fair and Balanced.” This morning on GMA they had a retired police officer singing the National Anthem. Apparently, he had sung the National Anthem at some sporting event and didn’t do a very good job, so they gave him a chance for a “do over”. He stood straight and tall and sang with all his might. I suppose artistically, he should be given a chance to do over his “do over”. It was, shall we say, less-than-perfect. I’m not sure what it was, but chills ran up and down my back and a lump formed in my throat as he sang. Perhaps it was just the fact that it was our nation’s anthem, but I think maybe it was more than that. There stood a man, a proud man, singing from his heart the anthem of the nation that he served and loved.

I’ve heard many beautiful renditions of the National Anthem, but there are not many that have touched me the way this out of key and missed notes presentation of the National Anthem touched me this morning.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thoughts on the Catholic Church

To be clear, I am not Roman Catholic nor do I agree with much of Catholic teaching or doctrine.  However, I have been impressed with much of what I have seen of the new pope.  Pope Francis, from all appearances, displays humility, service, and humanity along with a desire to cautiously clean up some problem areas.

Things have not always gone well for the Catholic Church. Certainly with a 1.8 billion membership worldwide (about 17% of the world’s population), the Church is both an easy target for criticism and a statistical magnet for problems.  Yes, we can point an accusing finger at the Catholic Church and make claims of genocide, robbing and plundering of cultures, naughty nuns and pervert priests, and the dispensing of bloodied knuckles in Catholic schools.  But, the Catholic Church has a long history caring benevolence as well as order maintenance.  Care needs to be taken to distinguish between acts done by Catholics in the name of Catholicism and actions taken by the Catholic Church.

Certainly, not everything sanctioned by the Catholic Church has lived up to the Christian ideal, but the same can be said for every other denomination and sect.

It is nice to see Catholics taking pride in their church, which is something that seems to have been diminishing over the years—at least from my view as an outsider.  And, it is good to remember that the Catholic Church has dispensed a tremendous amount of good around the world.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Eagles on the Mississippi

On a recent trip to Utah, Susan and I saw several bald eagles along the Mississippi River.  The eagles follow the river south during the winter.  As the river freezes with the encroaching winter weather from the north, the eagles fly south.
Now, I really am confused. David Wise, Olympic Gold Medalist, married, one daughter, and devoted Christian, is reported by NBC's Skyler Wilder as living an "alternative lifestyle".  Wilder also notes that at 23 Wise is mature and openly speaks of the importance of the family.

We really are in trouble if being married, being married to a member of the opposite sex, valuing family, and being a devoted Christian is an alternative lifestyle.

Let us hope that NBC is not accurately reporting the face of a generation. If it is, God help us all.


Welcome to my Blog, the Life and Times of Greg Talley.  This is a new experience for me and I hope it works out.  I have no idea how others will be able to access anything that I write.

I intend to share personal views and experiences especially as they relate to two areas that we don't normally discuss with friends: faith and politics.

In the arena of faith, I will probably share some of my talks that I have given as a bishop or as a member of a stake presidency.  I'm sure that I will share other thoughts on faith as well.

In the political arena, I will probably rant on about government action and inaction and my spin on what should and should not be happening.

I might also share some creative work such as short stories and poetry and maybe some pictures (if I can figure out how to post pictures here).  I may also share some travel experiences.

I reserve the right to share anything I want.  I also reserve the right to delete ANYTHING I want.

And finally, inasmuch as this is a space for me to share my thoughts and information, I am considering what I post here now and in the future as my intellectual property, protected by national and international copyright laws.

Again, Welcome to the LIFE AND TIMES OF GREG TALLEY blog.

(c) 2014 Gregory B. Talley