Saturday, April 28, 2018

Tom Brokaw and Me Too

Tom Brokaw is the latest celebrity to be named as a sexual deviate, accused of sexual misconduct and harassment. I liked Brokaw as a journalist. I respected him. I have not always agreed with his opinions, but I respected him. I never thought of him as being blood-thirsty as we see many so-called journalists today.
I want to believe him. I want to believe he is innocent in this Me Too house-cleaning era. He says he has made mistakes and that he is not perfect, but flatly denies allegations against him.
I have seen before the results of frenzied movements such as Me Too. Innocent people get hurt. Reputations are ruined. Careers are trashed. Records are blemished. And it only takes one false accusation. Personally, I have seen “victims” recant accusations, yet the damage had already been done and no matter how many back-page retractions have been made, the dark cloud of suspicion remains over the innocent once accused. If you have ever been accused of a wrong-doing or a crime that you didn’t commit and were later vindicated, you’ll understand what I mean.
Without a doubt, powerful men have made foolish choices and they should be held accountable for those actions and the hurts they’ve inflicted. I wonder how many innocent men are being caught up in the Me Too movement by women who are trying to exercise a little power of their own at the expense of truth.
Tom Brokaw, please be innocent of the accusations.